Shifting what we believe about ourselves can only happen when we change what we think, say, and do. So often, we want to create or have something different in our life, but something's holding us back, and we don't quite know what it is. When we dare to look underneath that challenge, what's holding us back is often what I call a limiting belief.
Awareness of our limiting or disempowering beliefs is the first step to turning them around. But then, conscious loving choices must be made for lasting change to occur.
Let me show you how this works:
I've struggled with my weight for decades - and now I help others with similar challenges. Up, down, up, down --- the scale and my emotions were a roller coaster. Deep inside, that roller-coaster was driven not only by what I ate but by my deep-rooted beliefs about myself.
I made the decision to make some changes.
Step 1: The BELIEF- With help from my coach, I discovered being overweight allowed me to hide and reinforce my belief of lack of self-love and brokenness.
Step 2: The CHOICE - I wanted to shift my belief to - I am lovable and worthy of being healthy and visible to others.
Step 3: The ACTION: I couldn't think my way to health and self-love. I had to take action and make different choices for my new belief to become possible: mind, heart, and soul.
I changed my eating plan, got an accountability buddy, and began exercising.
What's possible? I'm down 40 lbs., feel healthy, and no longer worry about what someone thinks about me and my body.
By looking inside, I was able to break open my heart and see what was holding me back. Then, I was in a place to make the changes I needed. That was truly loving myself.
What limiting belief are you ready to shift? What choice and action do you need to take?
Set up a FREE call with me, and let's get you flying!
Try this, fill in the blank:
I love myself and choose to ______________________________.
Saying I love myself ahead of anything just might be the reminder you need to make powerful choices and shift into higher gears of self-love.
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5, 5 Minute Steps to the Life You Really Want
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