Give me a good blanket, a comfortable couch, my dog Rosie, and a good movie, and watch me check out or even fall asleep. I'm comfortable. And as long as that was what I had intended, we're all good. But sometimes, I have to look at what is really running the show.
Comfort is one in my comfort zone is another.
Our comfort zone can be like a walking nap. We're going through the motions and making unconscious choices. I sometimes catch myself in a zone, and I am scrolling social media or standing at the refrigerator door staring inside when I am not even hungry. Then, I will make an unconscious choice, like eating something I know is not on my food plan, and I am not even sure why.
Sometimes I refer to this as 'zombie land' and the choices we make while in that zone that doesn't really serve us. In truth, our comfort zone is the opposite of living in a place of self-love. Me eating something I know is not good for me and then beating myself up for it is actually self-abuse. Our comfort zone is limiting and will hold us back from what we desire.
Eventually, 'zombie land' becomes uncomfortable for most of us.
We wake up and say 'ENOUGH'...something's got to change. As I have said before, we must take some action to create change. See if you can notice your behaviors and catch yourself in the zone. If you do, stop and consider what action you can take to shift to something that will serve you vs. sabotage you.
The more aware you are, the more you create possibilities for your life. See what you can do this week to wake up your life by taking a different action. Life really is like a box of chocolates. You have no idea what you might get.
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