Last week I learned a huge lesson, and I wanted to share it with you as a reminder of life's twists and turns.
As you may know, as part of my coaching practice, I offer what I call Transformational Travel. I take people on unique travel experiences to places that allow for introspection and transformation. This year, I planned on taking two groups to Peru on a powerful 12-day journey. I was so excited and busy planning, but with all the unrest in Peru, my co-leader and I decided not to move forward with those trips just this year until things settled down. Peru is one of my spiritual homes; saying I was devastated was an understatement.
After allowing myself some time to feel the disappointment, I had a choice to make.
Was I going to wallow in my sadness or practice allowing flexibility to get me through my sadness? So, I turned to my inner wisdom by sitting quietly and letting myself hear what was possible.
Here is what I heard.
I realized that if I was to really practice flexibility, I needed to consider, so if not this, then what? Can I see how when one door closes, another door opens? I could imagine what becomes possible when I shift and focus on what it takes to move forward. When coaching clients, I like to say, "movement mobilizes possibility." It was time for me to hear my own words and move into action.
Being flexible allowed me to create another amazing trip for this year that I am excited to share very soon.
So, when things don't appear like you had wished or life takes a turn, or even if you feel stuck, take a moment to stop, breathe and turn inside for some guidance. Ask yourself, how can I be flexible and look for a new direction? It may even turn out to be even better than before. When you stop, listen, and trust your inner wisdom, that's when you truly love yourself, and that's when you're flying.
If you need some support allowing flexibility, I am here to help. Set up a free call with me, and let's explore what's possible.
I'm here to support you if you want to dive deeper into how to First Love Yourself!
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