So this is known as the season of giving, but how about receiving? I used to believe that I had to give and give and give, and that was the only way I felt worthy to receive.
I had it all mixed up!
The only way that I felt worthy of being loved was the more I could give to others or someone, in particular, I was worthy of receiving. But that's actually not how it works because, plain and simple, what I was doing was manipulating others. My giving was not coming from a healthy place or conscious place, it was coming from a place of fear. I was doing it in a very pretty package because it seemed like I was giving so freely, but in reality, I was doing it to gain love and my feeling of self-worth.
When I realized that love was the thing that I was chasing and that enough love was actually inside of me. I no longer needed to manipulate others to get more love. I have everything I need.
The more love I feel within me, the less I need to look for external validation.
I can give myself all the love I need; therefore, my relationships are much more authentic. Now when I give, I give with an open heart, and then I can receive with one as well.
So remember, in this season of giving, give lots of love to yourself, which will open you up to receive more genuine love.
I'm here to help you if you want to dive deeper into how to love yourself more.
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