We have just today and tomorrow before the end of the year, and I want to give you these 2 gifts. Actually, I am going to invite you to give these 2 gifts to yourself.
For many of us, this time of year can bring a lot of stress, activity, and things to do and get done. We may find ourselves running from this event to another or feeling the stress of travel or perhaps the end-of-year deadlines. We may be beating ourselves up thinking, gosh, I wish I would have done this, or I wish I could have completed that, but you didn't get to it this year. You could be playing the blame game or perhaps "shoulding" all over yourself.
For today and tomorrow, I am going to invite you to consciously shift the rules of the game.
See what you can do to pause, shift, and consciously choose the gift of playtime and the gift of celebration. These gifts could bring abundant joy, rest, creativity, and happiness, not just in the following days but always.
So first, allow yourself to stop and play. Do something silly and allow yourself to tap into that inner child longing to be expressed. Wear a funny hat, dance in the street to your favorite song, have your nails painted bright colors, go ice skating, watch a fun movie, go out and do something you don't usually do.
Next, stop and consider all the accomplishments you have achieved this year. Really think hard, make a list and celebrate even the smallest things. Notice if you default to stuff, you still need to finish, pause, and shift your thinking to what you have. Look for the positive instead of the negative. At midnight on the 31st, celebrate everything you have done and feel a flow of gratitude as you enter the year ahead.
When you give yourself these last 2 gifts of the year, that's really loving yourself, and that's when you really learn to F.L.Y.!
Enjoy your playtime and celebrate YOU!
I'm here to support you if you want to dive deeper into celebrating YOU!
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