Have you ever found yourself staring out into space, not even knowing what you were thinking? I catch myself doing it more than I would like to admit. I have come to realize that I use distractions as a means of avoidance.
I didn't even realize how often I'm on autopilot.
For me, it can be staring into space, scrolling social media, numbing out, washing dishes, or just watching my neighbor cross the street. Whatever it is, I know I am creating a distraction.
When I stop and look closer, distractions have been something that holds me back a lot. They allow me to avoid doing something that needs to get done. But when I look inside, I realize I create them, so I don't have to feel a feeling or deal with something uncomfortable.
See if that's true for you as well.
We want to avoid feeling things that make us feel bad, so we create distractions so we don't have to actually feel the feelings. We may think we are being productive washing those dishes or checking to see who is doing what on Facebook, but what do we really not want to feel?
The way I see it, we have three choices when we find ourselves distracted.
- We could avoid the feelings altogether.
- We could let them weigh us down and stay stuck.
- We can see them as a sign that something must be looked at truthfully.
I say number 3 is the best choice. When we are willing to look inside and see what we are feeling, that's an opportunity to heal or address something. Putting your awareness toward what you need allows you to find resolution and release. So don't run from feelings; embrace them, and let them guide you to healing or awareness that is tapping you on the shoulder.
So, the next time you find yourself distracted, stop and ask, what is it that I am avoiding or don't want to feel? See if you need to take some action to move through the feeling.
Allow yourself to feel and heal! When you do that, you're loving yourself and flying!
I'm here to support you if you want to dive deeper into how to First Love Yourself!
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