I have a question for you, would you marry you? Small sentence, big question!
To be clear, this isn't about someone else choosing you to be their partner; this is about you choosing yourself. You embrace every aspect of yourself with unconditional love.
I know I felt for years that I wasn't really who I wanted to be and had no concept of self-love. I thought I wasn't worthy of love or feeling the love that I desired in my life. That's because I realized I didn't love myself when I looked inside.
Can you say that you truly love yourself?
I couldn't love myself fully because I felt less than, alone and broken, and if I couldn't love myself, how could I ever expect to love someone else? Truthfully, how can I expect someone to love me? When we show up in our relationships from a healthy perspective, feel good about ourselves, and truly love ourselves, we can make those connections we want. We can attract to us the people and situations that align with our sense of self.
How did I learn to change my life and love myself?
I hired a Life Coach who recommended journaling in addition to our sessions. I decided to try it, and that truly forced me to look within at what love meant. Through this practice, I could find a person deep inside that I could love and wanted to marry… me!
They say February is the month of "love" I invite you to think of it in terms of loving yourself, not just others. So, what is something you can do for yourself to truly love yourself? See if you can create a ritual or practice that will remind you to first love yourself, F.L.Y., every day for the month and deepen that self-love connection.
Buy yourself flowers. Write yourself a love letter. Create a mantra to repeat in the morning and evening. Whatever it is, make it feel special as a reminder that you are worthy of love. Who knows, you may even buy yourself an engagement ring!
If you need some support with going inside, I am here to help. Set up a FREE call with me, and let's take one small step.
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